Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Sign of Things To Come!

I called Dale this evening after he got home from work and Caitlyn answered. This is how our conversation went: ring ring
Caitlyn: Hi Mommy
Mommy: Who am I talking to? (they both sound alike)
Caitlyn: Caitlyn
Mommy: Where is Dad?
Caitlyn: I dont know
Mommy: Okay, where is the baby? (hopefully Daddy is near the baby)
Caitlyn: In his crib crying...(oh, crap)
Mommy: Do you think Daddy is okay?
Caitlyn: I dont know, I am playing the DS
Mommy: Could Daddy be outside?
Caitlyn: Not sure
Mommy: Try yelling for daddy.
Caitlyn: Mom, can I tell you something?
Mommy: okay, but make it quick, I am at work...
Caitlyn: Rileigh is not my friend anymore (they have been best buddies since kindergarten)
Mommy: Why not?
Caitlyn: Well, she wants to play with Emma (new girl) all the time and not me
Mommy: why don't you try playing with both of them?
Caitlyn: I HATE Emma
Mommy: We don't say Hate
Caitlyn: Well, I dont like her playing with Rileigh.
Caitlyn: She said that I was mean
Mommy: Why did she call you mean?
Caitlyn: Because I said that I didn't want to play with her
Mommy: Well, Caitlyn, that was mean
Caitlyn: I only want to play with Rileigh not her
Mommy: (getting nowhere with this conversation) You might like Emma if you got to know her
Mommy: I didnt like Shannon when I first met her and now we are best friends (totally never happened, but I thought it might work)
Caitlyn: Well, Emma is not Shannon
Caitlyn: Emma said I was selfish
Mommy: Why did she call you that
Caitlyn: Because I told her that I Did not want to play with anyone but Rileigh
Mommy: You don't own Rileigh and she can play with whomever she wants
Caitlyn: Well, I dont want to play with either one of them ever again
Mommy: That makes me sad because I know how much you love Rileigh
Caitlyn: Mom are you trying to make me upset, I just lost my best friend
Mommy: (thinking that things are only going to get worse as she gets older) Do you know where your Daddy is yet?
Caitlyn: NOPE
Daddy: Caitlyn, Hang up the phone.
(guess Daddy was fine after-all)
ring ring
Daddy: hello
Mommy: where have you been?
Daddy: outside cooking pork chops on the grill
Mommy: Please get Hayden out of his crib!!!
I just thought that this was too funny! I am sure that this is only the beginning of things to come!!! Thank God that we only have one girl!!!


  1. Don't you just love the conservations with a daugther on the phone! HA! Love to follow your blog!
