Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just Another Day In Paradise!

We had a WONDERFUL day today! This morning, Dale went out and started yard work. The kids went out with him and helped him burn leaves and gum balls. My dad is in town this weekend, so they came over a few times today! Mom brought us this wheelbarrel that she found at my brothers new house, but Dale did not need it. I took a picture of my dad giving my mom a ride across the street in the wheelbarrel! It was hilarious!!! Mom bought Hayden a new car today! It is for his birthday, but she gave him a sneek peek today and he loved it! I took some pictures for you to see! We went to Target today and bought the Carnival game for the Wii machine! The kids have been playing it for about three hours now and mommy is catching a break! Dale took my dad to the movies tonight to watch some sci-fi movie...I really don't remember the name! Hayden is napping, so mommy is getting some quality "Blog" time in!! Tomorrow is our Pancake/Waffle Sunday! We are slowly getting a house full on Sundays now! Tomorrow I have to make waffles for my family, my mom and dad, Jennifer, Mark and Hannah!!! I sure hope they turn out good!! Our goal is to try a different kind of waffle or pancake every Sunday! I hope that we will be able to continue this tradition for many years, that way our children will still come home on Sundays even when they are grown! Anyway, take a look at the pictures...


  1. Way cute!! He looks like he loves it! We had a good day too!! Too bad weekends don't last longer huh? I love the pics.....and your mom in the wheelbarrell is too funny!!!!

  2. That is such a great picture of your parents!! I think it's very sweet! Sounds like such a great weekend. Hope you Sunday/waffle day is just as good. I would love to have my family live so close!
