Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I want to be a stay at home mom!!

What a nice day! I love that the only decision in my life today was to either take a shower or take a nap! I always feel like a better mommy when I am at home, I am not as stressed for sure! Hayden was a dream today, he is such a sweetheart! The kids had a great day at school and Dale seemed to have a good day at work. We had to go grocery shopping tonight at Kroger...our grand total was $244...how could we ever afford more kids! God bless the Duggars!!! We bought some fruit, yogurt and granola and had parfait's after dinner! I have stuck to my resolution of being a better planner this week. I already have the batter ready for waffles in the morning. Caitlyn did not have any homework tonight so things have been pretty relaxed around here! I washed all the bedsheets today and sprayed the whole house down with lysol (not for any real reason, I just thought it would help kill the stomach virus that Dale and I just recovered from). Oh, I almost forgot, Hayden had his first real injury today! He was in the bathroom (with me of course) and he was standing at the tub and fell hitting his forehead on the edge of the bathroom door. He has a very small scratch on his forehead! He cried for a long time, but eventually got over it. It looks fine now, but I thought I should take a picture for his scrapbook...I posted a picture for you to see...He is so cute! Love you all and hopefully tomorrow will be as nice as today was...ha ha


  1. Hayden is beautiful. He has the biggest eyes! I can't believe he will be one next week! So glad you enjoyed your day with him, that is the best!
