Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yard Sale!!!

This morning, Me, Dale and Hayden decided to go to some yard sales. We went to Burger King for breakfast and then back to pick up mom and dad. I went to one yard sale and got Caitlyn a Hollister T-shirt, pajamas, blue jean skirt and two pairs of blue jean shorts for $3. Dale bought Hayden a wooden toy train for 50 cents. We had a nice time. Caitlyn and Jackson spent the night with MawMaw last night and we picked them up around 4pm.
We had to go to Walmart and get Dale's BP medicine and when we were walking in, we heard this man yelling at this lady. We looked over and they were both inside this car and he was practically in her face yelling that he was going to hurt her. She was leaning towards her window like she was scared. Dale started walking that way...holding my baby! I told him to stay away and we would let the manager know and he could call the cops. I was scared for her, but that man was probably on something and I didn't want to get involved in it with the kids there. I REALLLLY wanted to pull that guy out of his car and beat the crap out of him and then tell that poor girl that she did not have to put up with that. I would have LOVED for Dale to give him a good ole beat down, but sometimes you have to bite your tongue and let someone else take care of it. Come to find out, they had been in the store earlier that day and a similar incident happened. Poor girl, I am so blessed that I don't have to deal with that. All I got to say is at some point that jerk will go to sleep and she needs to get a cast iron skillet and go to town on his head!!!
Anyway, I think we are planning a yard sale for next week. Dale is trying to get enough money to enclose the car port. We will finally have a dining room!!! Also, that area is not on a crawl space so when Hayden is asleep, the kids can play in there and it will not sound like they are walking on a drum! This floor is nice, but it is literally like walking on a drum and every step is heard throughout the house.
Okay enough for now...

1 comment:

  1. yard sales again?? without me??? now my feelings are just hurt....
