Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Dale!!!

Well, it's kind of blurry, but there it is. My husbands age. Dang, he is getting old. I cant believe that in a couple of years, I will be married to a 40 year old!! I don't think I am ready for that. I still feel like I am a teenager sometimes...like I havent aged, but he has! He had a good birthday I think. I took him to Larry's (his favorite place) for lunch and accidently forgot that I was supposed to be at a meeting at work instead...oops. Then we ate chinese food for supper (not my favorite, but he loves it). I bought him a lemon cupcake with lemon icing because that is his favorite too and bought a chocolate cake for everyone else! His mom bought him a smoker, Jennifer and Hannah got him a movie card and I got him some new underwear!!!!!!! He is going to kill me for telling that!!! Ha Ha...I also got him a digital meat thermometer to use with his new smoker!
Work was busy today, a lot of strange stuff. We made it though. I kept doing stupid stuff all day, I guess when you start off on the wrong foot, it makes the whole day messed up. We made it though, I can't be good all the time! I am also a team leader for creating a new t-shirt design at work...that should be fun! I have no idea what I am doing, but I am determined that my team WILL win! Okay, Jack just started screaming...gotta go...


  1. i hope i make you proud... I'll e-mail some stuff to you tonight.. I've got some digital scrapbooking stuff that isn't comyrigthed...

  2. i meant copyrighted... and Happy b-day Dale! i didn't realize that Hannah and Dale's birthdays were soo close.. her's is today!
