Monday, June 15, 2009


Well, this morning our internet server was down, so we could not use our computers to put patients in. We had to go back to using was so weird! It only lasted about 30 minutes or so, but it was crazy while it lasted.

Hayden spent the night at MawMaw's last night with the other two. He had fallen asleep and I guess he didnt intend on waking until morning. I felt bad waking him up so we could leave, so I just let him stay. I almost had Dale turn around and go back to get him. I knew he was safe, but I missed him already! He was fine...of course!

Tonight, we ate pork roast with mom and dad, it was sooo good. I made Mac and Cheese and mashed potatoes to go with it. Now we are playing the Wii machine. We have decided that we will work out for 30 minutes a day on the Wii Fit. This morning, I was sooo sore that I felt like I had been ran over by a semi truck. I am comitted to doing it though. I can actually feel the results and that makes me happy.

Congratulations Dr. Stanford, his oldest son became a daddy this morning at 1:45ish. The baby is named Jacob Allan after his daddy and Grandpa. Dr.Stanford seemed so happy today, he was ready to get out of there and go see the baby. Dr.Irwin brought in a pic of him and he is so cute. So now he has two he is getting old!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! He had his grand baby???? Another boy.. Was he floating on air or what?? That's cool.. And you let Hayden stay a night without you??? What????
