Sunday, April 26, 2009


This morning, we went to the donut shop and ate breakfast with my mom and dad. Hayden fell AGAIN and hit his chin. His mouth was bleeding, but we couldn't tell where it was coming from. He is fine now, but I am so tired of that boy and trauma! He is a mess! We left there and went to Dale's mom's house to pick up our other two nuts! They dont want to stay home with us on the weekends apparently! When we got there, somehow, we decided to plant a big flower bed in her front yard. I am not sure who originally mentioned it, but when I find out, I might hit them!!! We worked our BUTTS off. We had to dig up the bed that was there because it was just a big ole ant pile. Then we had to put this barrier stuff down and put 80 bags of dirt (40lbs each) and about 10 bags of maneur down. Jack helped cut open the bags so we could dump them out easier, he wore himself plum out. He put down the scissors and went to maw maw's bed and fell asleep. He was so cute...worn completely out! We finally got done about 7:30pm and we all came home to take baths and get ready for tomorrow. I think Hayden has ANOTHER ear infection and he will probably be making a trip to see Nurse Nancy tomorrow. Anyways enjoy the pics...

1 comment:

  1. i am so sorry i missed his party... i would have given anything that that was where we were instead.... thank you and i love you guys too... I'll be fine at some point. just a real tough blow... i know he loved those girls of his and i just don't want them to forget... i'll be at work tomorrow.... will have to miss tuesday.... i just can't believe this has happened... when do i get to wake up?
