Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our 50th Blog!!!

I wish I had something to celebrate for my 50th blog! Today was crazy...well, the morning was okay, but this afternoon was insane. I was wondering if we were being punked or something. It was like all of the most difficult things to treat came in this afternoon. We were running around like crazy women this afternoon. THEN, my dumb butt locked myself out of the clinic!!! I am so retarded!!! I went to put out the lab box out and the door wouldn't close because the box was messed up. So, I stood outside the door and pushed up on the box to make the door close. When it finally closed, I was like "Good job girl...you fixed it" then I looked at the door and laughed...."you dummy, you locked yourself out." I had to stand outside for about 15 minutes and wait for my last patient to leave the clinic and let me back in. They were laughing at me so hard! Dr.Stanford thought it was funny too...he thought that I had just decided to go home. Laura had to leave early so it was just the two of us and that last patient. It was so embarrassing!
Shannon was not at work today for obvious reasons, so I decided to eat lunch with Dale. He is wanting to try out a new diet. I guess we will have to start eating better now :(
This has been a weird week for me because I am usually the last one to try to comfort someone and I NEVER know what to say. I am never the first one in line to hug someone or cry on their shoulder, but Shannon is sad and I am her person, it is my "job" to help her through this and I will do my best...she will get through this and I pray that nothing like this happens again for a long long long time.
Dale did not get home until 9pm and 1/3 of the kids were sound asleep. The other 2/3 are laying in Caitlyn's bed watching some show on the disney channel. We ate Hamburger Helper (with Deer meat) for supper and Dale and I are getting ready to watch Deadliest Catch. I will post again tomorrow.


  1. you are totally my person... and you do just fine in the comfort department, coming from someone who doesn't do well getting comfort... love you and i'll talk to you tomorrow... i'm gonna be okay....

  2. Hey, I love the pictures of Jack's birthday, he looks so excited! You guys did such a great job on Betty's yard. You guys need to come here and help me, William has turned into a little Ralph, and the back yard has his crazy stuff everywhere. I'm so sorry about your friend Shannon's Grand father. You two are so lucky to be best friends and have each other. Hope things are better for her soon! How is Hayden's head? I didn't see anything in the pictures so he must be o.k. That is too funny you locked yourself out!!! That is something I would do! Congrats on the 50th blog! I really enjoy reading it!
