Saturday, March 14, 2009

Soccer Time!

Caitlyn had a soccer game today! Can you believe that? It was FREEZING out there. The game was in Little Rock off John Barrow Road. They had to play on a field that had more mud puddles than grass! Our Goalie was sick with strep and two of the other girls were late. We had to start the game with only 4 players, most of them wearing only their jerseys and shorts. Caitlyn had to be goalie for the second half of the game and was literally standing in a huge puddle of freezing cold water for about 30 minutes. Their new coach is very loud and sometimes gets a little too into it and yells at them. Dale was ready to pull her from the team today because we didn't have enough players to sub any out and they all had to play the entire game without a break. The other team had about 20 players and every 10 minutes or so they put in all new players. Our girls got stomped! I think the final score was 20 to 2. They are having to play against older girls that are used to league play and we are not. By the time the game was over, Caitlyn's legs were bright red from the cold and her knees were blue. I got the truck warm about half way through the last half and when the game was over, I made her take off all her clothes (except for panties) and put on my warm dry jacket and wrapped her in a warm blanket. She was frozen. I don't understand why we didn't just forfit the game. The poor girls are probably going to get pneumonia from it.
Dale finished working at his mom's today! He really enjoyed getting to re-do an entire kitchen! Tomorrow, he has to move my fridge to the opposite wall and go under the house to move the water line! Poor Dale, he never gets to rest! Our Sunday morning pancake breakfast is still going on. Tomorrow, we will have Jennifer, Mark, Hannah and Mom over for breakfast. I started Hayden on Amoxil today so hopefully he will feel better soon. If not, we are going to have to see and ENT to get tubes. I hope that when spring comes he will stop all this snottiness! Anyways, I am going to take a NICE hot bath, goodnight!!!

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