Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lucky Dog!

Yesterday morning, we awoke to find a dog on our doorstep. He looks like a german shepherd mix. He was wearing a brand new red collar. He is very friendly with the kids and has yet to bark. He stayed here all day yesterday and even got to watch fireworks with us! The kids begged us to keep him, but we are maxed out on pets. We just kept telling the kids that he is probably lost and his owner was going to come looking for him. I figured that he would be gone by this morning. Well, around 3:00 this afternoon, our doorbell rang. The lady that lives 2 doors down was at my door. She said that she had picked this dog up a couple of days ago because she felt sorry for him. She said that he was sitting by the road eating a squirrel. She brought him to her house, but as soon as he saw my kids, he came over here. Well, of course, Caitlyn had to start feeding him Bella's food and giving him water. The lady was asking me not to call the dog catcher to come and get him. She was almost in tears about it. I told her that I did not mind him laying on my front porch, but I had no intentions of keeping him. She told me that she would be happy to supply him food every now and then if we let him stay over here. This lady has a house full of dogs and they bark all the time. I wanted to say to her that her act of kindness has now become my problem, but I didn't, Caitlyn over heard our conversation and started crying. She said that she promised to play with him and feed him. I know that she probably will for a day or two and then she will get bored with him. So here I was asking myself what would a good mom do. I decided that if she wants to keep "Lucky" then she will use her walmart gift card and buy him food, water bowl, flea shampoo (he was covered in them) and a cable for him. She did not even hesitate. Dale took her to Wmart and they bought the necessities for him. I gave him a flea bath and we put a flea collar on him. I will take him to the vet and get his shots on Wednesday and we will see how long he lasts. Dale told Caitlyn that if she started ignoring him she would have to call the pound to come and get him. She was okay with that and promised that she will "always" take care of him. So, I guess we fell for it, like all parents do. He is a good dog though. He loves the kids and really loves to take baths! There is just never a dull moment around here.

1 comment:

  1. you SUCKER!!!!!! anyways, love the pics ans we are in St. Louis as we speak!! Miss me yet?
