Monday, February 2, 2009

I hated my job today!

Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! I don' want to get into a lot of details about it, but it was horrible! Then, I came home and my computer was acting up and I thought that I had lost all of the pictures that I have not had a chance to burn them to a disc. I was FREAKING out about it. Luckily, my wonderful husband saw that I was about to have a heart attack and he fixed it for me! Shannon is a doll and she made my new header for my blog. Thank God for smart people! I would like to give a shout out to two different people tonight! First of all Gwynn at work! At first, I wasn't sure if I liked you or not, but it sure didn't take long for you to start growing on me!! You ARE a hard worker and no matter what else, Dr.Stanford and I need you. Second of all, I would like to say congratulations to all Medical Assistants and Medical Assistant students! It is not easy to devote your time to any form of school, especially if you have children. Way to go for even trying to do it! You are in no way any less of a person for chosing this path versus becoming a "real nurse". I love what I do, and there is no "degree" that would make me any happier! Sometimes, it is not all about the money! I do not feel like I am an under-acheiver for doing what I was hard as heck and I did it! Eventually, I do plan on going back to school, but it is just a plan, and if I never get around to it, I will be okay! I am happy. Now that I have that out of the way, maybe I can sleep a little easier tonight! The kids are happy as usual! Jack is upset because he fell at school today and has two (very tiny) scratches on his knee. He wants me to make it go away...I already tried bandaids, but he said that wont work! I finally just told him that he would have to be big and deal with it. Caitlyn is being moody as usual, she is going to be a great teenager! Hayden is sleepy (yesssss) so I will be laying him down after I get done blogging. Now, Jack is standing in front of Dale holding a Princess book and asking Dale to read it to him! Dale absolutely refuses to read his son a book about princesses!!! Hayden keeps trying to turn off the computer, so I guess I should go ahead and put him to bed! Tomorrow will surely be a better day ( I am OFF). I will let you know how it goes...


  1. Sorry you had a bad day! Vent, vent, vent. you will fell so much better!

  2. Does that mean you dont like me? Since I am a "real nurse", your words NOT mine.

  3. By the way Gwynn said thanks for the shout out!!!

  4. Hey Shanna, I just wanted to let you know how much the boys and I love reading the blog, they love to hear about how their cousins are doing. Also wanted to let you know Taylor said you are absolutly a "real nurse", you are the one who "fixed' him when he had the sun burn. I can never thank you enough for that, and that's what nurses do, they take care of others, and that is for sure you! Hope your next day at work is better!

    Love you all, Colorado Wright's
